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Using Kitaboo SDK and Reader you can have a fully functional reader in following steps :

1. Setup Environment

  • IDE: XCode 10.1

  • Development target: iOS 10 and Above

  • Swift Language Version: Swift 4.2

2. Download the Kitaboo iOS SDK from the Shared location, and unzip it

3. Import the Framework into your App with following steps :

  • In Xcode, Add Kitaboo_Reader_SDK.framework to your Project Bundle.

  • Select the Project Target > General > Embedded Binaries and add the .framework file.

  • Select the Project Target > General > Linked Frameworks and Libraries and add the .framework file, if it is not added automatically after step 1.


There are two different Frameworks available on Shared location for Device and Simulator. When you are debugging your app on the device, use Device' Framework and for Simulator, use Simulator's Framework.

4. Integrate Default Kitaboo Reader

Default Reader has the set of classes which consumes SDK Component and creates a fully functional Reader, so that the Books can be Launched and Pre-defined actions can be done, which includes Adding Bookmark, Drawing Pen, Highlighting Text, etc.

ReaderViewController  *readerView = [[ReaderViewController alloc] initWithBookPath:@""  

WithBookID:10 WithUser:user];


readerView is an object of ReaderViewController which is Default Reader. It uses book Path to launch the book for particular user. When configuring the reader view object, assign your delegate object to its delegate property.


The delegate of a ReaderViewController object must adopt the ReaderViewControllerDelegate protocol.

5. Integrate Supporting Classes

To use Default Kitaboo Reader, you have to integrate supporting classes to your application which are used by Default Kitaboo Reader.


Default Kitaboo Reader does not belong to KitabooSDK Framework classes. It is a separate class which consumes KitabooSDK Framework.

Kitaboo Reader Classes :


Is not a part of SDK, It consumes SDK

  • ReaderViewController
  • MultiLinkController
  • PenToolColorPalleteViewController
  • PenToolThicknessPalleteViewController

Kitaboo Reader Supporting Classes :


Is not a part of SDK, these are required by Default Reader

  • HSUIColor-Expanded
  • NSString-Expanded
  • UIButton-Expanded
  • UIViewController-Expanded
  • SystemInformation

AudioBook - Coming soon

AudioBook will be available soon in SDK.

Interface to launch AudioBook that can be customized and modified to meet the specific business requirements.

Video Player - Coming soon

Video Player will be available soon in SDK.

Interface to launch Video player that can be customized and modified to meet the specific business requirements.